Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Weaving in Circles

Jan Alexander, art teacher at Withers Elementary, includes weaving each year in her lesson plans. “I believe that the benefits are many,” says Ms. Alexander. “It helps my students learn to concentrate and it calms their spirits. They love to socialize and weave like they are in a quilting bee, and they feel a real connection to other weavers and other cultures throughout time.”

Yarn for the projects comes from a variety of sources -- churches, garage sales, retirement communities, parents, community members, and even teachers. Readily available looms -- coat hangars, straws, cardboard, heavy paper plates, and even tongue depressors -- like those in these pictures, make the project affordable and fun.

Ms. Alexander encourages art teachers everywhere to embrace weaving in their art program. “Try it, they will love it,” she says.

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